NUFORC UFO Sighting 16741

Occurred: 2001-03-05 20:33 Local
Reported: 2001-03-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: about 10 min
No of observers: 2

Location: Belleville, WI, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

White to yellow to orange light moving N or NW in the S. Wisconsin sky

My sister called me at 8:23 and said that her father in law in Belleville had seen something strange in the sky (west) and I should look outside my window. I called my sister in law who lives in the same town as I do and went to her house to pick her up, arriving at 8:33. We could see this bank of lights from her front porch, west, seemed to change (subtle) from white to yellow to orangish. It was moving very slowly and seemed to be traveling north. When I say "bank of lights" I mean horizontal and wide. Comparing the size to a planet in the sky, it was about 6-8 planets of size, but maybe not quite as bright. I can't say that I could necessarily count lights on it tho. Just a bank of lights. We got in my car and traveled toward New Glarus, watching it on the way. We could see it up until we got over a high hill on the way to New Glarus just outside of Belleville, when we started to get down into the valley, we lost it and did not see it again. This was the first incident that my sister in law and I have witnessed. Two more reports to follow this in which the sightings occurred the next night.

Posted 2001-03-16

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