NUFORC UFO Sighting 167380

Occurred: 2022-04-08 11:17 Local
Reported: 2022-04-08 11:50 Pacific
Duration: 8 seconds of video
No of observers: 10

Location: Orlando, FL, USA
Location details: Parking lot of Universal Creative (work office)

Shape: Diamond

Multi sided black reflective object flying across day sky rotating.

We were watching SpaceX Ax1 launch from Kennedy Space Center from our business parking lot in Orlando. Several of us were taking photo and videos of the launch. One of my co-workers as using a android phone and his phone auto focused on this object flying across the sky intersecting the line of the rocket launch. I took a video of the launch and after watching it post launch, you can see this black object flying through the sky on a direct linear path. THe object seems so have multiple flat sides in the shape of a sphere. As the object rotated, its panels would reflect the sun. It was on a steady flight path and spun as it moved from North to South. We were standing in parking lot in Orlando looking East towards Kennedy Space Center. The sky was perfectly clear with no clouds.

Posted 2022-04-22

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