NUFORC UFO Sighting 167128
Occurred: 2022-03-17 06:50 LocalReported: 2022-03-17 11:19 Pacific
Duration: about 20 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Plano, TX, USA
Location details: north of 1316 Ursula Court
Shape: Star
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
I tried to get my husband and neighbor but they were too slow (asleep)
I went out to get the paper and it was still dark but I noticed a ball of light hovering in one place in the sky and it was light around the area. I called my neighbor and tried to get my husband up and went back outside. It had moved so I had to go to our other yard to see it. I pulled out opera binoculars and called the police. With the binoculars I could see wings like a plane but it was on 4 sides. While talking to the police the topper all of a sudden shot up in the air and out of sight and the other ball was still there. I went out to get the door for my neighbor and it was gone when we got back. I do have pictures and hopefully you can enlarge them somehow. I had a different experience several years ago but I never reported that except to my sister who I was talking to on the phone and told her there was a strange light hovering outside my window (I thought it was a child's toy) after maybe 5 minutes it quickly zoomed toward me then went up in the air out of sight. I don't know if I can download my pictures. If I'm unsuccessful I will try texting it to Peter Davenport and hopefully one of these numbers is a cell phone. Thanks!
Posted 2022-04-22
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