NUFORC UFO Sighting 166622

Occurred: 2006-07-29 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2022-02-08 17:38 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 10

Location: St. Croix (Virgin Islands), VI, USA
Location details: Carambola Beach Resort - looking due north into ocean

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Erratic ball of light

Held onto this info for years, but just wanted to note it as something I could never fully explain. Also feel compelled to share given media reports the last year.

I was on a trip with 4 friends and staying at the Carambola Beach Resort in St. Croix. It faces due north to the ocean and next island is in the BVIs many miles away. My friend called me out of the shower around 10pm and had me look outside. There was a large storm cloud about 2 miles off the island and produced a bit of lightning. Cloud top I would say was 4000 ft with low ceiling of 1500 ft. Small commercial prop plane was flying below at about 1000 ft. to the water line. There was a glowing white ball of light that originated from the cloud and moved in an erratic way over the horizion. The best way I could explain it would be like moving a laser pointer on a white wall. The object moved at angles no aircraft could perform at. The light continued to dance around the sky for 10 minutes in and out of the cloud. Up, down, zigzag. It stayed above the single engine prop plane until the aircraft left the area. The ball came out of the cloud and lastly went back into the cloud--with a large boom/lightning. Then fully disappeared. Gone. It was viewed by us 4 plus another 6 people staying next to us. We did not see it happen again the rest of our trip. It did not make any sense as there is nothing but open ocean north of the island.

Posted 2022-03-04

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