NUFORC UFO Sighting 165976
Occurred: 1994-01-02 13:52 Local - ApproximateReported: 2022-01-13 11:14 Pacific
Duration: About 5 minutes
No of observers: 0
Location: Paderborn (Germany), , Germany
Location details: Paderborn Germany
Shape: Oval
Silver ball high up, moving fast, changing direction fast, stopping without slowing down and hovering
I have never really spoke about this or reported it. This happened around 1994. I was in the British Army and based in Germany. I was on guard duty and on the back gate, in full combat gear including weapon. It was a beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky, i was looking around and pretty bored to be honest, I looked up and saw this silver ball high up in the sky, it was moving quick then it would stop dead without slowing down and hover, then move off extremely quick and change direction. It was like it didn’t speed up it slow down, as soon as it moved off it was going full speed. I stood and watched in amazement for about 5 minutes then it flew off and disappeared. I never spoke about it at the time incase anyone thought I was mad and there was a bullying culture in the army so I kept it to myself. I’ve only just started to speak about in now. Also there was also no sound. I have no agenda, I will always remember it. I’m not sure I want to give my full name and address at this time
Posted 2022-03-04
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