NUFORC UFO Sighting 165964
Occurred: 2021-11-19 02:45 LocalReported: 2022-01-14 12:13 Pacific
No of observers: 2
Location: Columbia, MO, USA
Shape: Other
Black thing and saucer observed in the morning sky, video taken
2:45 am. The witness first saw something in the sky with his roommate an hour before he took a video (the second time he saw it). Both of them tried to justify what it might have been, but couldn't identify it as any animal or thing they had seen before. The object was dark, almost blending into the sky and was very difficult to tell its distance from them or size in comparison to them. The first time, they chalked it up to just being odd, but still felt uneasy about its movements. An hour later, the main witness went back outside to the patio of his apartment to watch the lunar eclipse/ red moon and saw the object in the sky again, but closer, which freaked him out. He ran to the door of his building and started taking a video of the black/dark thing and watched as a saucer-like object hovered, and then effortlessly moved across the sky, without visible evidence of any device allowing it to do so. Once his building was obstructing his view of it, he ran inside shaking from adrenaline and utter shock.(MUFON CMS)
Posted 2022-03-04
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