NUFORC UFO Sighting 16532

Occurred: 2001-02-10 00:00 Local
Reported: 2001-02-18 00:00 Pacific
Duration: unk
No of observers: 2

Location: Moravian Falls, NC, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Left a trail, Changed Color, Landed

a round object with a trail color turning to blue thought to have crashed near constrution site of new school

Contact person can give more info. on time,witness,better description.

Dear Mr. Davenport,

This is in regard to the report I read on your site (Occurred 2/10/01, posted
2/24/01) describing a sighting at "Morvain Falls, NC." I am guessing that
"Morvain Falls," as stated in the report, must be a typo since (according to
my maps) there is no such town in NC. There is, however a small town called
Moravian Falls, and it is approximately 25 miles north of Hickory, where I

I don't know if anyone with your organization has followed up on the report.
I tend to agree with your comment that if a UFO had crashed there, it is
likely that there would have been other reports at that time. However, since
I do live near the area and had occasion to drive out to the site in question
last Thursday (3/1/01), I made a point to look around to see if there was
anything unusual. (Granted, this was nearly 3 weeks after the sighting was
reported.) I did not see any signs of a crash at all. In fact, the
construction site mentioned in the report is about ten feet or less from a
well-travelled highway, so I believe it would be difficult for something like
that to go unnoticed in a town of that size.

((name and e-address deleted))


No other reports from Morvain Falls, NC. If a UFO had crashed there, I suspect NUFORC would have received other reports within minutes of the event. PD

Posted 2001-03-16

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