NUFORC Sighting 165219

Occurred: 2021-11-06 19:29 Local
Reported: 2021-11-11 19:23 Pacific
Duration: 1:00-1:30
No of observers: 0

Location: Bayville, NJ, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Triangle shaped orange lights UFO(s) flew at the same time and speed in formation in Bayville NJ.

Triangle shaped orange lights UFO(s) flew at the same time and speed in formation.

I was pulling up to a friend's house in Bayville, New Jersey, at 7:29 pm when I noticed 3 orange lights (orbs) that formed a triangle all traveling at the same speed and at the same time in formation. I was not sure if the triangle formation was 1 large sized craft with lights or if it was 3 separate crafts that were illuminated. 2 more were also following way behind. They also were pulsating or fading out similar to a candle or flame.

They or it, was producing no noise that I could here. No stars were visible at the time of this. These events lasted for about a minute- 1:30 seconds until they dimmed out completely and completely disappeared.

Posted 2021-11-15

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