NUFORC UFO Sighting 165153

Occurred: 2021-10-28 20:00 Local
Reported: 2021-11-02 13:48 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Oaxaca City (Mexico), , Mexico

Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Lights on object

Dimly Lit Chevron Over Oaxaca

I was sitting on my rooftop in Oaxaca-City looking toward the west (the Pacific Ocean is that direction) and out from behind a bit of overcast - one tiny, dim light was moving toward the south. I did not see commercial airliner tracking lights, just a solid glowing light. Withing three more seconds, I could see that it was the front light, or the front (glowing) object of a Chevron-shaped (V-shaped) object, or a lot of objects forming a Chevron (V) shape. I was unable to see a fuselage and that is why for all I know, it may have been many objects forming a V-shape. I lurched forward and my eyes must have bugged out of my head cartoon style. Each side of the Chevron appeared to have two rows of lights running parallel. I would say at least six lights per row, so a total of at least 12 lights per side of the Chevron shape. In total, at least 24 lights, or objects. It seemed to travel about the speed of a commercial airliner. But because the lights were quite d! im, I cannot help but think it was much higher than 30,000 feet and therefore, may have been faster? I'm not Dr. Branolvski.

Since the object was traveling south, it may have been over the US &/or Pacific Ocean earlier. Anyway, I have officially joined the Coo-Coo Club and had my first experience getting that "This guy is crazy" look from a guy I told the story to the next day. What a shame that anything defying perceived normalcy usually gets filed away as nonsense.

Posted 2021-11-15

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