NUFORC UFO Sighting 165145
Occurred: 2021-10-29 20:10 LocalReported: 2021-10-31 06:26 Pacific
Duration: 4-5 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Owasso, OK, USA
Shape: Oval
Very dim but long range meteor-like object
Friday Oct 29, 2021 appx 7:45pm to 8:15pm cdt with clear skies. I was sitting in my backyard in Owasso, OK, 15 miles NE of Tulsa. Owasso is a few miles to my SW and neighborhood lights make star watching less than perfect but it was a very good night considering. Tulsa International Airport is about half way between Owasso and Tulsa, about nine miles away so I get lots of traffic in my skies. I also saw half-dozen satellites in the 30 minutes I was out.
So I’ve seen lots of aircraft, large and small. Lots of meteors and lots of satellites. I’ve never seen anything like this before.
I saw something, barely perceptible, moving from near my zenith to the WSW. I estimate it covered about 60-70 degrees in about 4 seconds. At first I thought it was a meteor (and it might have been) but it was just so dim. I’ve seen a lot of meteors from my backyard chair and I’ve never seen a meteor that dim move that far across the sky. It seemed a little larger than the head of a meteor and seemed to glow a dim orange, like an ember. But it was so dim I was surprised I saw it at all.
It never changed speed and it’s brightness never wavered. It left no trail. I was surprised that it just kept going. It didn’t burn out as much as it disappeared into the glow of lights of downtown Owasso. It was moving way too fast to be anything headed to or from the airport and it didn’t make any sound.
Posted 2021-11-15
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