NUFORC UFO Sighting 165089

Occurred: 2000-08-01 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2021-10-30 12:05 Pacific
Duration: 5-7 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Unionville, MI, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail

Large and fast moving saucer shaped craft spotted over trees

This event happened many years ago and was never reported, as I was only 12-13 years of age and had no idea how to go about the situation at all. I had awoken out of a dead sleep and I felt like I was woken up almost purposefully. Not groggy or confused, just awake. My bed was directly beside two large windows and as I looked out them toward the patch of woods (maybe 100-200 yards away from the home) I seen a very large saucer shaped craft hovering above the trees.. it was hovering but moving back and forth, side to side motions and leaving trails of “light” possibly, behind it. That made me believe it was moving very fast. I was immediately shocked and panicked. I watched it for possibly 2-3 minutes before I ran to my brothers room to try and wake him. He was groggy, not wanting to wake up.. I looked out his windows and the craft was still hovering there… I looked at him to shake and try to wake him and when I looked back, it had disappeared. All of this to! ok place within 7-10 minutes. I cannot account for the actual date it happened. I am going off of the home and age I lived there so my guess is 2000-2001. There was no snow, my guess is beginning of fall.. leaves were changing. This even took place on Colling Rd just off of Bay City Forestville Rd outside of Unionville Mi. The only reason why am posting this now, is because I just watched Travis Walton’s case, which is a case that has stuck with me through the years. 1/10 ppl report ufo sightings… Probably because they weren’t sure of resources…

Posted 2021-11-15

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