NUFORC UFO Sighting 165070

Occurred: 2021-10-11 18:40 Local
Reported: 2021-10-27 11:51 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Greenwich, CT, USA

Shape: Rectangle

Large rectangular object flying low over the water.

Right before dusk I drove my kids home from athletic practices. As we’re passing the town water reservoir, my kids both cried out: “What is that?? Omg, what is that?!” I could not see anything, since I’m driving and the water is passed on the right side of our car, but both kids were jolted, awestruck and terrified. They described the object as majestic and scary. This is what they saw: A rectangular object the size of two cars and with sharp edges (later described as a gigantic iPhone), dark grey metallic color, moving down slowly from over the tree canopy and on a tilt down towards the water. At a car’s length away from the water’s surface, it made a turn and leveled itself flat with the water as it continued to fly further in along the reservoir. At this point we lost sight, as the road makes a turn away from the water. There was still daylight and the object had no lights, sound or anything propelling it forward. My son said it moved unlike anything he has ever seen and it’s movement was very beautiful, but unnatural. We were about a 70-90 yards away from the moving object.

Posted 2021-11-15

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