NUFORC UFO Sighting 165063
Occurred: 2021-10-21 07:35 LocalReported: 2021-10-27 04:09 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
Location: Princeton Jct, NJ, USA
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Grey metallic like in color, circular in shape, my iPhone caught the object. Not in pictures right before or after it.
I was walking on a PSEG bike trail that runs behind my home on October 21st 2021. I reached an area where there is a large pond. I walked up to the ponds edge a began to take 3 quick pictures of the beautiful trees with there fall foliage. At that point I walked back home. The next morning while drinking coffee, I began looking at the pictures I had taken. I expanded the pictures to get a better view of the trees and something in the upper right area of the second picture caught my eye. I never saw this with the naked eye. I couldn’t believe it as I expanded the picture. I thought you may be interested. I would also like to mention that both the 1st photo and 3rd photo do not show this object. When I took these pictures with my iPhone 11, it’s was a quick click, click, click. That’s why I said duration was 3 seconds.
Posted 2021-11-15
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