NUFORC UFO Sighting 164995

Occurred: 2021-10-17 14:49 Local
Reported: 2021-10-19 05:08 Pacific
Duration: a few seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Nadia (India), , India

Shape: Other

Sophisticated aircraft like objects among clouds in Nadia, WB, India

On 17th October 2021, in the afternoon I was watching the sky for approaching clouds. If it rains in the afternoon, we can’t play football in the evening. Clouds were gathering in the west sky. I took a snap of the clouds in my mobile phone and posted the picture in our sports group. One of my friends in the group first noticed that there were two flying objects in the picture. The flying objects looked like fighter jets. However, I didn’t hear any sound of fighter jet. I checked the sky again, there was nothing by then. My friend suggested that they might be spots on my camera lens. I took another snap from the same position. Nothing appeared this time.

The flying objects looked like very small fighter jets, but of the shape I have not seen before. They are sophisticated designs, both identical.

I asked my colleagues (all of them scientists) to help me understand what those flying things were. One of them, a physicist, confirmed that those were UFOs and suggested me that I report them in this website.

Posted 2021-10-19

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