NUFORC UFO Sighting 164972
Occurred: 2021-10-14 17:14 LocalReported: 2021-10-16 13:53 Pacific
Duration: 22 seconds
No of observers: 0
Location: Mechanicsburg, PA, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
I was in my back yard playing with the dogs and noticed a small aircraft going in circles. I thought man he is having fun and then I caught a moving object about several hundred feet up or maybe a thousand feet. It was silver and just moving along with no wings or propellers. I was like what is this? Then I stood on our picnic table to watch it go over our house roof. It paused on the other side of our neighbors house across the road, but only for about 3 seconds. Then it moved forward just about 50 feet at a slower pace then bam the object went subsonic and it was gone gone. That is when I knew I just witnessed something> It was the size of a football but only it was round like a ball. No sounds. I looked back and tried to understand what just happened and i have never seen anything like this. 58 years old and sound mind.
Posted 2021-10-19
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