NUFORC UFO Sighting 164967
Occurred: 2021-10-14 22:40 LocalReported: 2021-10-14 20:10 Pacific
Duration: ~10 minutes
Location: Dickson City, PA, USA
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
Watched a blinking light change colors and move erratically
I observed the object from my bathroom. It was just sitting there blinking green. It then moved very fast to the right and stopped on a dime. It then started to blink red. It changed back to green then changed between the 2 colors. There was no sound. It moved towards the south. I took one video from my upstairs, through a screen window. I then ran downstairs and outside to get a better view. I took another short video as it left. I thought it was over so went back upstairs. As I looked out the window again it was back. I ran back down to get another video of 50 seconds. It disappeared again , then I heard helicopters but could not see them as it was cloudy out.
Posted 2021-10-19
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