NUFORC Sighting 164046

Occurred: 2021-07-10 03:30 Local
Reported: 2021-07-12 19:03 Pacific
Duration: 40 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Kenton, OK, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Equilateral triangle with a dim stationary light in each corner with the center being translucent, as stars were seen in the center

I am a part time amateur astronomer/astrophotographer and full time roofing salesperson. I was staying at the Black Mesa Bed and Breakfast in Kenton, OK, there doing astrophotography. The early part of the night was cloudy so I went to bed but woke up at 3am to check the skies. Instead of taking the hour to set up my equipment, I decided to bring out my blanket and 2 pillows with my stabilizer binoculars and my PVS-14 3rd generation unfilmed white phos night vision scope, and do some stargazing. About 3:30, at the zenith using my night vision scope I saw an equilateral triangle craft above me at about an estimated 30,000 ft. The craft had 3 white stationary lights on each corner and the center was translucent. I could see about 10 or 11, 10th magnitude stars in the center of the triangle which told me the craft was cloaked. The stars above or thru the craft were not blurred, as they looked normal. I attempted to try and locate the craft with my Canon 12x60 ! Stabilizer binoculars but could not, telling me the lights on the craft were too dim for the naked eyes to pick up. There was no sound from the UFO craft but I could hear jet aircraft in the same area before the sighting and after.

Posted 2021-08-16

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