NUFORC UFO Sighting 163571

Occurred: 2021-06-03 00:10 Local
Reported: 2021-06-02 21:56 Pacific
Duration: A second or two
No of observers: 2

Location: Bristol/Southington area, CT, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo

Red and blue flash seen in the sky for a second or more traveling at light speed

I was driving along I95 at this time bringing my gf back from the airport. While driving past construction by quite a bit therefore it couldn’t have been any of there lights because it was back in new Britain. I saw a flash of blue and red lights shine in the sky for a second and the craft looked as if it was falling in a sideways /downward angle and then vanished without a trace. I asked my gf did you see that and she was like I was about to ask you the same thing. I have seen shooting stars before and it could not have been that because she was like what was it a shooting star and I was like couldn’t have been. In order for it to have flashed blue and red so quickly in my opinion it was a flying saucer which appeared to be rotating therefore that is why it was blue and red. My gf thought she saw blue and green but either way. I was also the one driving so I had my eyes on the road the whole time. It appeared to only be one aircraft but it was for sure trav! eling faster than any aircraft I have ever seen and the fact that it just disappeared is even more suspicious. It didn’t look too far in the sky rather it appeared somewhat close. Also although it was slightly cloudy tonight they were very thin clouds and now that I look in the sky I can still see the stars and the clouds are broken up and thin therefore that would not have affected any perception/views.

Posted 2021-07-31

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