NUFORC UFO Sighting 163402

Occurred: 2015-06-10 15:24 Local
Reported: 2021-05-27 19:45 Pacific

Location: Tokyo (Japan), , Japan

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

SID-1® was also shooting an object similar to the US Department of Defense-approved GOFAST UAP

A mysterious flying object appears! SID-1® captured a UFO similar to an unidentified flying object announced by the US Department of Defense.

SID-1® also recorded the same object! It became clear that many UFOs photographed by SID-1® were recorded that were reminiscent of the white objects of GOFAST.

Surprisingly, not only are the shapes of the these mysterious flying objects photographed off Tokyo and Florida very similar, but the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis is 1.80 to 1.00, which is exactly the same ratio.

The fact that they are in the same capsule shape and have the same ratio of major axis to minor axis is likely to be the same type of similar object.

I tried to summarize those videos from the huge record of SID-1®. It has also been analyzed that these images are not birds, aircraft, helicopters, drones, airships, balloons, halation phenomena, natural phenomena, lens ghosts or flares.

Click here for the video.(Youtube

Posted 2021-07-31

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