NUFORC UFO Sighting 163383
Occurred: 2021-05-28 12:10 LocalReported: 2021-05-28 15:50 Pacific
Duration: 40 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Central Point, OR, USA
Shape: Cigar
Cylinder shaped object at mid-day in clear weather moves slowly across sky and disappears.
I saw this object flying mid-sky after entering the northbound I-5 freeway. I thought it was a plane at first as the Medford airport is about a mile away from where I was driving. The object was about the size of passenger jet and was traveling slowly from east to west approximately 500 to 700 feet above the surrounding hills about a mile and a half in front of me. The object was white and cylinder shaped with what appeared to be a dark line separating a third of the object from the rest. As it moved, I looked for wings,as I thought at first it was a jet plane that had just taken off from the airport. As I was watching, the object slowly pivoted. It did not turn, but pivoted towards the north and then faded from sight. It did not shoot off or suddenly disappear, but faded away within about 2 or 3 seconds after it pivoted. The whole event lasted about 40 seconds to a minute.
Posted 2021-07-31
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