NUFORC UFO Sighting 163318

Occurred: 1975-06-01 01:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2021-05-20 16:43 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Waco, TX, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Animals reacted

Glowing blue orb about 4 feet diameter hovers above ground.

One night in 1975 I was trying to go to sleep when every dog in the neighborhood was barking or howling and then my dog who sleeps with me began to growl. I got up to see if there was something outside. I went out my back door and walked around to the corner of the house. My bedroom extends out in an l shape. As I turned the corner I could see a blue glow. When I could completely turn the corner I saw a round object about 3 or 4 feet diameter floating off the ground about 2 feet. The object had no visible material, just the blue glow . I would call it a blue L E D . At the time in 1975 I didn’t know about L E D. it was visible for only about 20 seconds and I was shocked. This was in the country on a gravel road with empty lots on both sides and a pasture in back. No street lights. My dog and I went back to bed. The next morning I called a tv station and asked if they had heard of anything unusual in Timbercrest. He said no, why? I hung up! It disappeared after about 20 seconds.

Posted 2021-07-31

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