NUFORC UFO Sighting 16322

Occurred: 1997-03-05 14:00 Local
Reported: 2001-02-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 60 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

V-shaped craft observed flying east over Phoenix.

On a clear sunny day I observed what looked like a V-shaped silver craft approach Phoenix, Arizona, directly from the west. I watched it cross the "valley of the sun" for an hour. At the time I was at work. My desk was next to a window on the second floor of a building that was situated on the side of South Mountain. From my vantage point I could see the entire valley for 20 miles in every direction except south. I could also see dozens of aircraft approach or depart Sky Harbor airport all day long. When I first saw the V-shaped silver craft approach from the west, I at first thought that it was a specially designed aircraft coming into Sky Harbor. I pointed it out to a co-worker and asked him what he thought it was. He didn't know. Strangely, as the craft neared Sky Harbor, it veered to the north and skirted the airport. Both my co-worker and myself wondered out loud about the craft and where it was going. Fortunately, as the craft continued to fly due east it got closer to us. It completely bypassed the airport and continued east. Though we couldn't make out details, we noticed that the V-shape of the craft began to change and warp. We then realized that we were probably witnessing a flock of silver-backed ducks. They eventually disappeared out of sight still heading east. I only mention this because it may have a bearing on the V-shaped silver craft that was witnessed at night flying over Phoenix just a week later. I did not see the night sightings because I was in bed, since I had to work an early shift. Though I had seen ducks in flight, I puzzled over why they were heading east. After all, this is a desert, and most migratory birds fly north and south. A week later I found my answer. Thirty miles due east of Phoenix there's a town called Fountain Hills. In the middle of this desert community there's a huge man-made lake. In the middle of this lake lies the world's tallest fountain. I drove out there. Once I got to the lake, there were hundreds of ducks, all species. Brown, black, white -- and sil! ver. I c annot confirm that the V-shaped craft many people witnessed that one night in March, 1997, was a flock of ducks -- but it's the truth that I saw them migrating during the day just a week prior. My experience might help provide a logical answer to why the V-shaped craft proceeded over Phoenix at such as slow rate of speed. Most people usually report UFO's flying at a high rate of speed. By the way, the V-shaped craft, if I recall correctly, was also flying east. I know that this explanation might prove disappointing to UFO enthusiasts, but not all UFO's are alien. Some are of earthly origin provided by mother nature herself.

Posted 2001-02-18

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