NUFORC UFO Sighting 162987
Occurred: 2021-05-04 20:00 LocalReported: 2021-05-05 18:03 Pacific
Duration: 22:00
No of observers: 1
Location: Encinitas, CA, USA
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
3 Orbs Planted in the sky like stars but upon video taping were multi colored changing shapes
I've seen these same objects multiple days in a row at the D Street Beach in Encinitas, CA, although most of the other nights it was only one of these multi-light shifting orbs, when last night I spotted 3. The three I eventually spotted were rather far out over the ocean—a few miles and were arranged in a perfect equilateral triangle with the apex the furthest out over the ocean. On other days I've had different friends who also witnessed the object(s) which have looked very similar—a brightly lit, multi-color orb that hovers and sometimes changes in shape, sometimes expands and contracts. And sometimes it is moving up the coast like a bright light. Before last night, 5/4/21, for the last 10 days, I had noticed only one of these orbs but in the same location, near where the star Sirius in the western night sky, which is also near the constellation Orion. The orb appears planted in the sky at about the same height as the normal flight path of the military he! licopters, or maybe a little higher, (which are out patrolling every single night) but the orbs were unmoving and almost disguised as a star. For a long time I didn’t notice it because it looked just like a brightly lit star but upon videotaping, it clearly is not a star. I've also videotaped it with helicopters flying past it, too, and it is definitely different than the helicopters. I've witnessed these orbs on different occasions off the coast of San Diego over the ocean, infrequently now for about a year, sometimes playing with the military, sometimes being followed by them, and sometimes much closer than they were last night, but haven’t made any reports until now. But now the frequency has changed dramatically as they have shown up every night. Last night the orbs were just planted in the sky and the military helicopters were ignoring them. The strange thing is how long they seem to just be planted there without moving—far longer than a helicopter or a drone can hover! , totally without sound, and the strangest part was that they’! ve been planted there for many days in a row. I start to notice them just as the sky gets dark enough. Unfortunately all of my videos are shaky and don’t show the way the orbs are just planted in the sky but the colors of the objects are dancing and shifting—you can see that much. I’ve ordered a new lens and tripod for my camera phone to continue collecting data which is very shocking to me. I was a big skeptic about all of this until I had other witnesses confirm. I fully expect them to be there again tonight. They have stayed in place without moving until I got tired and went home for the evening all of these nights. Last night I don’t recall missing time but I have had contact experiences in the past. The beach here where I live is very quiet and dark and private with tall hundred foot bluffs behind me. I generally watch the sunset on the beach every night and started seeing strange lights a year ago but for a long time believed it was just the military until some very strange th! ings happened—like the orbs sometimes shoot across the sky. I also saw a recent display of 4 or 5 of them together fading in and out disappearing and have that on video as well.
Posted 2021-05-20
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