NUFORC UFO Sighting 16282

Occurred: 1994-12-15 18:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2001-02-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes

Location: St-Bruno (Canada), QC, Canada

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

It was very cold, so i was sitting in my car on this little side road off the trans-Canada highway through St-Julie, Quebec. I could see the rush hour traffic going buy slowly across the highway is Mount St-Bruno, a little mountain in the St-Lawrence valley. I was back then a master mechanic for a General Motors dealership, and in my spare time am an avid aircraft watcher, since we have airports all over. I am now a video editor for a large television network, so i hope this is enough to show you that i am sure of what i saw, and it was nothing i have ever seen before. Except maybe once when i was 16 when a friend of mine and i where scared out of our wits by something overhead, but thats another story. So, to get back to the task at hand. I'm sitting in my car, my head turn left watching the ski hill on the mountain and the cars going buy on the highway. To my right is the Dealer where i work. I turn my head front for a second and there it is, approx.200 feet from the ground hovering over the street just above the garage, a large red ball of light, i couldn't see a shape, more of a large glow. I couldn't believe it was i the only one seeing this, all those cars and those skiers. I got out of the car to get a better perception. There was no sound other than the traffic and that wasn't very noisy. Suddenly, the ball began to move over and across the highway very slowly. The thing was so large and so low i couldn't believe i was the only one seeing this, traffic kept moving and i was alone on the little street where i parked. It kept going until it reached a point just below the summet of the mountain in front of the lit ski hill, then al of a sudden it became a small point of red light, changed direction to follow the lenght of the mountain, then turned 180 degrees and headed for the ski hill again, then, this how i remember it, i saw the light fly over the ski hill still just below the summit, so i could see it very well, the it crossed the hill it then entered the woods beetween to light post at the top of the hill and then, just vanished. I have to tell you, my eyes never lied to me before, i was in going crazy thinking about it and going over it for weeks after that. To this day i don't know what i saw. I also have a couple of dreams that might interest you, well i think they where dreams.

Posted 2001-02-18

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