NUFORC UFO Sighting 162701
Occurred: 1997-12-15 06:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2021-04-13 23:39 Pacific
Duration: 60 minutes
Location: Kekava (Latvia), , Latvia
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail
December 1997.
In the mornings, when I go to the barn, the 3 stars above the roof greet me (from Taurus constellation). One morning instead of 3 stars I saw 4, I was looking confused – something was wrong, I compared the fourth star with the rest – it was exactly the same. I look at the fourth star and think: ‘’Where did you come from? You were not there before!’’ It seems that the star starts slowly drifts away, and it really does move away some 1,5m away from the site it was before, and after drawing a letter M in the sky it returns to its original place, afterwards slides away, and on the way back it draws two large pyramids, afterwards one large, one small, four small, then more pyramids follow with varying sizes. When the star is drifting away, it doesn’t draw a line, but upon coming back, it starts to draw with a flaming line. When the star returns to its starting position then the drawing disappears, and the star starts to drift away again to draw next one. The star drifts away not too quickly, there is a little while to wait before it starts to go away again, however, it returns very quickly. What type of technology is it to enable to travel such distances so fast. It is absolutely clear that a highly advanced civilization makes itself known, besides, our laws don’t work there, they read my thoughts momentary, and the answers were given at once as well. The star kept drawing in the sky until it started to get brighter. In the evening and in the following morning I went to look for the fourth star but it was gone.-Is the Blue Flovdiva there? Is that where the pyramid workers volunteered? I cannot answer that, maybe you have better chances to do that yourself.
Posted 2021-04-23
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