NUFORC UFO Sighting 162682

Occurred: 2021-04-10 02:00 Local
Reported: 2021-04-12 02:07 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Moore, TX, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects, Animals reacted

Hundreds of orbs then a UFO/METEOR TO BOOT!

04/10/21 2AM At 1:45 neighbors dogs barking. I went outside to investigate. I felt something out there so I went back inside & got mu infrared video camera. I panned around the 40 acres and saw nothing. I then, had a feeling to turn it up to the sky. I saw hundreds of orbs different brightnesses from bright white to almost see through. One(smaller one) went down within 6" of the ground like it was just feeling around. It suddnly rose up to about 3' off the ground then shot off like a bullet. I think it felt a big flying bug that was just coming into view that landed almost in that spot. A few minutes later, the orbs seemed to be thinning out from hundreds to 20 or so. I tipped the camera down to look & saw nothing. I for some reason felt an urge to swing the camera up to a certain spot and only had to pan aruond for 1.5 seconds until I had a UFO/METEOR IN THE LENSE. It was moving much slower than most of the orbs. It had a long sharp tail with a bright ! white ball leading. As it entered the atmosphere, it seemed to slow down even moore loosing the bright white & the tail was much shorter. The circle began to dissapear with just a white circle edge with an object inside. Almost like a shield around a ship maybe. The instint the white circle was completely gone, the inside object took off turning left & up. I coild only just make it out until it dissapeared by distance.I then panned around and all the orbs were gone.I have 15min. or so of infrared video on this.An infrared video camera with a high power infrared long distannce light attached to video camera. I tried to catch bugs, flying around with a bat compare shapes, sizes & speeds along with comparing how fast the orbs were speeding by the stars. Nobody around here was awake & as far as I know I was the only one to see them. I don't even know if anybody could without infrared!

Posted 2021-04-23

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