NUFORC UFO Sighting 162192
Occurred: 1950-04-25 16:00 LocalReported: 2021-02-21 20:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 0
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Shape: Cone
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Flying cone-shaped UFO seen by Vancouver airport personnel
Flying Cone Seen In Vancouver, B. C.
Vancouver, B. C. (AP) A mysterious craft or object, reported had to have flashed through the sky Vancouver yesterday, aroused wide interest and many questions.
Even authorities at International airport here were puzzled.
Witnesses said the strange aerial visitor first appeared in the western sky about 4 p. m., at tremendous speed, and disappeared about a minute later in the southeast sky. Police, newspapers and radio stations were swamped with phone calls Among those who reported the sight was F. V. Magar. superintendent of airport operations. He described it as "about 200 feet long and shaped like an ice cream cone." He added: "I have never seen anything like it before." Allan Sharp, airport attendant, also reported seeing it.
Clipped From: Daily Sitka Sentinel Sitka, Alaska 26 Apr 1950, Wed • Page 1
Posted 2021-03-02
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