NUFORC UFO Sighting 161386
Occurred: 1974-06-01 20:00 LocalReported: 2021-01-01 16:42 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: Mt. Holly, NC, USA
Shape: Light
Bright yellow light that seemed to stretch over entire town. While driving home on HWY 27 heading toward Stanley, NC away from the town limits of Mt. Holly with 2 siblings and sister-in-law we noticed a very bright light. Light was yellow and bright enough to be seen in every direction. It looked as if the entire town was lit by this light. The light seemed to follow our old green station wagon. I was around 13 or 14 at that time and my brother six years older was driving. The light followed and as it got closest it was just over the hood of the vehicle. It hovered a while as to observe us. We were all frightened that it may collide. We then pulled over to the left side of the hwy at an old fish restaurant at the time. The restaurant was closed and I am not positive of the time yet it was dark. We sat in the parking lot while the light hovered. In that time period nothing we knew could move this way. Nothing would just hover as it did.
The light remained a little while then suddenly took off accross the highway at a high speed and seemed to blow up in a field maybe 250 feet away. We only saw a small explosion and with the size I think it should have been larger.
A police officer from Mt. Holly, I assume, drove up while we were still standing outside the vehicle and asked us if we saw anything. To be totally honest, we took him for some kind of authority figure and I am not exactly sure what kind. He said that he had many reports of a bright light over the town. I have spoken to my sister and sister in law about this and both remember pretty much the exact same thing. It was many years ago and I am now retired and never got this out of my mind. My sister did mention a fact I had not remembered that the light seemed to have left behind a mist on the car.
I would love to know what happened that evening but unfortunately probably never will. I do not know if allot of time could have been lost that night but it does seems that my mom asked what took so long that night as she was cooking dinner. She was at the time arguing about cooking fresh biscuits so I definitely remembered the dispute over leftover biscuits. I actually opened the back door and remembered my mom throwing old biscuits past my head. So you see my memory for crazy things is in tact.
It was allot to take in for a teenager and I think at the time I would have sounded crazy if I had spoken about it. In those days you just couldn't. I know it did happen and there were 4 people involved. I will ask my older brother some day but he's got allot to deal with and he has a nervous condition. I really don't want to push him but will ask soon.
Posted 2021-01-19
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