NUFORC UFO Sighting 161371
Occurred: 2020-12-28 17:35 LocalReported: 2020-12-30 19:28 Pacific
Duration: 20 Minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Beaverton, OR, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Triangle UFO westbound
At approximately 17:35 on December 28th, 2020, I was heading home from work on Tile Flat Rd westbound between SW Scholls Ferry Rd and SW Farmington Rd. After passing the intersection with SW Clark Hill Rd I noticed what appeared to be three white lights appearing to mark the outside corners of a solid object at about 25 degrees above the horizon. I was unable to stop on that road to get any pictures.
I turned onto SW Farmington Rd heading west. I went through the intersection at SW Road Bridge Rd and could again see the object. By this time, it had lowered to about 18 degrees above the horizon and was quite noticeably further from me and continuing to move slowly away.
I turned onto Highway 219 northbound towards Hillsboro and drove for about 1 ¼ miles and was able to find a safe place to pull off the road. The time was 17:48. The object was visible about 8 degrees off the horizon just above the coast range mountains. I was able to get a little over three minutes of video of the object. The camera I used was unable to get a consistent clear image, but it appears to clearly show at least the three corner lights. The one closest to me was the brightest with the other two being visible, but dimmer. I tried pointing to it for people driving by, but apparently I was unable to catch their attention to stop and view it. After I stopped the camera, I tried to reach it with a 5 mA blue laser with no reaction. I was able to see it periodically for about the next ten minutes, but then it disappeared below the horizon. The sighting lasted from 17:35 to about 17:55.
Posted 2021-01-19
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