NUFORC UFO Sighting 161352
Occurred: 2020-12-23 17:07 LocalReported: 2020-12-28 21:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
Location: Leavenworth, WA, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Green saucer with orb figure 8 and bursts off
I saw the object after the fact in a Live Photo I took. The object seems to bounce around in a figure 8 the movements and then burst off out of sight. From my vantage point it was the size of a large star. The object was growing green and seems to have an orb of light around it. When you zoom into the photo you can see the shape looks just like the saucers you tend to see in drawings of UFOs but sideways . If this wasn’t a Live Photo, I would have just thought it was a light but it moves so strangely.
Posted 2021-01-19
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