NUFORC UFO Sighting 161349
Occurred: 2018-07-04 13:00 LocalReported: 2020-12-29 06:23 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Fourth of July - Very Large UFO Near Geist Reservoir and Marion-Hamilton County Line.
On Fourth of July, 2018 in northern Indianapolis, near Fox Road, and the Marion-Hamilton County line, and Geist Reservoir, at about 1 p.m., I walked into my wide backyard and glanced up.
Small, dense white clouds were traveling in a northeastern direction beneath a beautiful blue sky. I was following them across the sky when I noticed that one very large cloud to the near northwest, the exact same color as the rest, was stationary. The big cloud was gently moving, like bubbling or slowly percolating in place, and was thinner or wispier along the edges. The smaller clouds traveled northward above and beside it.
Then I focused on something I wasn’t prepared to see. The big cloud was mostly concealing an enormous craft that was not moving. The first impression was of the nose of a cruise ship peeking out of a cloud. The craft’s skin was smooth with no external appendages. Its color was a pale, washed-out, non-reflective gray. There was no sound. There were no lights or lamps. The vessel was close enough that it felt as though I was looking upward from the bottom of a tall cliff.
The part of the craft I could observe looked like a 3-layer cake. The top tier was the smallest and had no openings. The second level was deeper and wider, rounded on the end, and had about four black, vertically rectangular openings or portholes that were wider at the bottom. Other openings were probably cloaked or masked by the cloud. The black openings were the most impressive part of the craft and felt ominous, like windows or observation ports.
The third layer was wider still and had no openings that I could see. The bottom of this level, and whatever was below it, was concealed by the bubbling cloud. The craft was immense. I have brainstormed the event and tried to measure the vessel with imaginary football fields. It is at least 300-400 meters across at its widest point, assuming that it is symmetrical.
I entered and exited my home twice and can vouch that this thing was there for at least 5 minutes. The second time I left the house, it was gone. For various reasons, I did not take a photograph and kept silent for over two years. I have repeatedly brain-stormed the event in order to flesh out this description and make the most accurate possible drawing.
Posted 2021-01-19
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