NUFORC UFO Sighting 16132
Occurred: 2001-02-01 16:05 LocalReported: 2001-02-01 00:00 Pacific
Duration: ten min.
No of observers: 20
Location: Salem, NH, USA
Shape: Disk
4-5 silvery objects weaving in and around clouds.
I was coming home heading east, coming from the nashua nh. area. there was scattered clouds, dark in nature. looing up in they sky I noticed something glimmer, upon looking closer I noticed 4 or 5 little objects near the clouds. knowing a little about flying, I knew that they could not be too small. They where darting around them. almost like they had been chasing each other. I seen them doing this for a while till I lost site of them almost hitting the car in front of me..It took me quite by suprize, for one i've never seen anything like this, and it was right there in full day light.
Posted 2001-02-18
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