NUFORC UFO Sighting 161297
Occurred: 2020-12-24 16:30 LocalReported: 2020-12-24 16:09 Pacific
Duration: 5
No of observers: 2
Location: Canon City, CO, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Something in the sky, government planes appear to be heading toward it.
My father in-law noticed a round like object, looked like it was just sitting still in the sky, then he noticed the jets and looked back at the object but it was gone.
Same day, just a few minutes later I noticed the Jets in the shy first, a lot of planes heading in the same direction. Then I looked to my right above the hills in the distance, I could see this oval shape it was in the sky, not moving. I ran to get my camera but as soon as I returned it was gone.
Posted 2021-01-19
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