NUFORC UFO Sighting 160784

Occurred: 1970-06-30 21:57 Local
Reported: 2020-11-24 14:38 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Alger, WA, USA

Shape: Cigar

If I were too use, my fist, as a measuring device, it would take four fists to cover the craft.

I have spent many hours, through out the past two years, reliving this event, to pin point the most accurate date and time.

It was twilight and it was summer. It was a perfect time, to go outside, sit on the step of my one room cabin, and gaze at the stars. I sat comfortable on that warm, sun baked cement step, and looked straight over to the lake and up to the top, of a mountain.

The sky was clear and I could still see perfectly, because it was a perfect wilight setting. All at once I noticed a black cloud, the only cloud around. It was just like, pop there it was, mean while the rest of the sky was still perfectly clear.

I sat and payed close attention to it. The black cloud kept coming and coming and coming it seemed to take forever. When it cleared the mountain and the front of it was above me that’s when I realized this is not a cloud, this is a UFO.

At first, I was brave and repeated to myself land, land, land. But when this thing got closer and I really got a good look at the perfect pure black cigar shape well the impact of the event got the better of me. I grounded myself by repeating to myself, don’t land, don’t land, don’t land.

I’m up on my feet now I haven’t taken my eyes off it. As it is, about to go over me, I can see clearly what appears to be, two exact attachments on each side that angle straight outward for many feet and then straight downwards for many feet.

The craft was silent and so was everything else around me. It was at least 45 seconds before the craft cleared me and the cabin. I ran to the back side of cabin and watched it just pass over the trees and realized it was a lot lower. I watched as it slowly cleared more trees and then it was pop, gone. I then walked into cabin as if nothing had just happened and went to bed. Out like a light.

I had no way to know what time it was. No clock no watch no electricity.

New info. The mountain is 2300 feet in elevation. Cabin sits one mile from foot of MTN. Appx. Length of craft one mile.

Posted 2020-12-23

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