NUFORC UFO Sighting 16054
Occurred: 2001-01-21 03:23 LocalReported: 2001-01-26 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Kaeo (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Changed Color, Electrical or magnetic effects
This will make your hair stand up.
As i was returning fomr a holiday up in the north island of new zeland, my car studdenly stopped, i was on a rural road, making a cross country short cut, to save time. Me and my girlfriend were in the car, when the car lights suddenly started to turn brighter and brighter, i stopped the car, and the fuse box uderneath me blew, and the engine shudded to a halt, around 3 seconds after this, a dimish-yellowish-blurrlyish object passed us in the night sky, aorund 10 metres above us, to be very honest we fucking nearly shitted ourselfs. the object passed us at around 50kph (35 mph) and gained altitude and started to ben around the the right, it curved around and did a large loop, it made another pass over the car at around 20 metres at around the same speed. it stopped, around 10-20m off to the left of our car. it looked like some sort of trianglar shape, with like a half-circle dome on top of it, a yellowish glow emitted from the underneath of the craft... the colour of the glow changed to yellow to blue then back yellow, it did this in 5 seconds, still hovering off the ground, there was a general humm you could hear. me and alex (my g/f) where holding each other in our arms witnessing this, the craft then turned around so it faced us, and then increased speed, it lift our car to the right as it passed us at amazing speed, the glow left a trail then climbed and was out of sight within 6-8 seconds. the trail behind it slowly faded away behind it.
Posted 2001-02-18
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