NUFORC UFO Sighting 159759

Occurred: 2020-10-04 20:42 Local
Reported: 2020-10-04 21:48 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 2

Location: Lachine (Canada), QC, Canada

Shape: Fireball

1. Looked like a ball of fire with it's circumference flickering slighly.

2. With in a two hour span i sighted approx. 19 of  the objects.

3. All flew from direction southwest to northeast.

4. Flying at a steady altitude and speed.

5. They were visible in the clear sky but disappeared when they entered the clouds.

6. The first cluster were in a 2-1-2 formation. They were paired up after that until the last sighting.

7. The events took place between 20h40 - 22h50 sunday 10-04-2020, over the sky's of Lachine, quebec

Posted 2020-11-05

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