NUFORC UFO Sighting 158874

Occurred: 2020-08-23 23:00 Local
Reported: 2020-08-25 04:01 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: London (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Chevron

Large flock of chevron-shaped UFOs appear after comet sighting

At approximately 11:00pm, on the night of August 23rd, 2020, amateur astronomers viewing Jupiter witnessed a comet with a fiery trail to the left of Saturn travelling downward in Saturn’s direction. About a minute after the comet 3 boomerang shaped objects appeared traveling from the comets direction toward the North; they were a dull orange colour slightly glowing, they flew together but not in unison. Approximately 15 min later, ending at 11:03, a second sighting was made by 2 of the 3 witnesses; there were an estimate of 50-100 of the same boomerang shaped UFOs travelling in the same direction as the previous 3. The UFOs made two scattered V formations while traveling; ending the sighting, 2 of the UFOs from the large group travelled south, almost directly above the witnesses, moving much slower and then turned back North and sped away disappearing into the sky. One of the 3 witnesses saw a large hexagon-shaped object with no glow or light, leading t! he large group of UFOs.

Posted 2020-08-27

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