NUFORC UFO Sighting 158870
Occurred: 2020-08-23 21:27 LocalReported: 2020-08-25 07:09 Pacific
Duration: 38
No of observers: 2
Location: Staten Island NY, NY, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Animals reacted
4 ufos 2 orb 2 disc silent white dim light matching the cloud cover just a little brighter I have photos
It was Sunday night around. 8 pm I went to my yard like I do every night with my binoculars and laser pointer to look at stars and see if I spot anything odd. I began the CE5 Protocols by Dr Steven Greer and meditation after about a hour and a half I began to notice this white orb infront of the clouds tomato of the sky was gray clouds so I could see this orb very good then 2 more disc shape craft flew in together and stopped directly over me after a few moments another orb came out from behind the top craft now there are 4 craft 2 orbs and 2 discs I was very nervous my wife couldn’t believe what we were seeing she got so nervous she went inside I stood outside and I was hitting the craft with my laser pointer these craft must have been a good 50+ feet across they made absolutely no sound when they moved they were silent. I honestly think they were trying to blend in with the clouds but it was if they had a dim white light on in the craft making them a littl! e brighter then the clouds. After about 40 min they began to go back the same way they came in but the only difference was when they flew off they were sideways like bottom of craft to the side they left on weird after 20-30 seconds they were out of sight. It was very very scary to see but I was completely in awe this wasn’t my 1 st encounter but I will say this the cE5 protocols seem to work.
Posted 2020-08-27
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