NUFORC UFO Sighting 158856

Occurred: 2020-07-25 05:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2020-08-22 15:27 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes

Location: Bradenton, FL, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects

An air craft caught my eye early one morning. The craft made no sound at all as I watched the craft fly in the distance it appeared to be approaching toward me then all of a sudden it flew vertically up in the air it was lit up like a Christmas tree with lights of red, yellow, blue, green Just like a decorated christmas tree still no sound as it excelled straight up in the atmosphere, my attention turned to a sound of,what sounded like a small censna, I looked to my right and it was flying so low ,if not for the tree in my yard I could of looked in the eyes of the pilot, then all of a sudden There was no engine sound, I started bracing for a crash of the craft,I walked to my front yard but could not see or hear the small plane any more, all of a sudden I see a air craft slowly ascending from the direction the small craft was headed but had large round orange fan like objects that were hazy orange in color that craft also just disappeared, as I turned my attention back to the Christmas tree looking craft that also was gone.

Posted 2020-08-27

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