NUFORC UFO Sighting 158854

Occurred: 1990-08-15 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2020-08-22 16:06 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes or 5 hours
No of observers: 1

Location: San Jose, CA, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Electrical or magnetic effects, Possible abduction, Missing Time

My Second Encounter.

Close Encounter: 16 years after my first sighting.

I had driven 1,000 miles from Spokane, WA where I was living to San Jose, CA where I grew up. I had stopped at Sacramento, CA to take a required 1 day class I needed to take.

Only my mom and dad where living in the home and they had went to bed in the back of the house at 10:00pm. So I lay down to sleep on the couch in the livingroom which had two large uncurtained windows directly in front of me at my feet about 12 feet from my feet.

As I lay there thinking about my day and many things on my mind still very much awake, able to hear the sound of traffic on the nearby road and fire truck sirens which were common, as well as the sound of the kitchen refrigerator and the nearby grandfather clock to my left, I noticed thru the large windows at my feet, what looked like helicopters in the distance traveling left and right with a large bright white search light going straight down from each one. I estimated 3 or 4 of these were in the air just from my view.

These objects were flying at a low altitude of 500 ft. or so.

Suddenly one of them changed direction and began to come straight toward me. I noticed there was no sound and that scared me because helicopters are loud.

As it got closer, I slowly pulled the blanket over my head hoping not to be seen.

Suddenly there was a very loud roaring sound kinda like an engine but like none I ever heard. More like an electrical hum.

The room became very bright with an extremely white light that was so bright it was hard to look at.

I was frozen in fear. The room being very loud and very bright. Couldn't see anything. Just bright white.

Suddenly, I saw them. Three of them. They were standing right next to me on my left. They were hard to see in the brightness of the white that filled the room.

In that brightness, they appeared dark, possibly black with two large even darker eyes. Strange shaped head, long skinny arms with an elbow. Only two maybe three fingers. All three of them were reaching out toward my body touching or poking at me. And they were also looking at each other. I could hear nothing due to the lound electrical hum in the room.

Suddenly, all the sound was gone.

The three entities were gone.

The room was still completely white. I could see nothing.

Then a small round hole began to open up on the large window so that I could see the sky thru it. The rest of the room still bright white. The hole became larger and larger until the white was gone.

As my hearing also began to return, I noticed I was beginning to hear the grandfather clock at my left and the refrigerator in the kitchen.

But no street traffic, no sirens. It was very quiet and that confused me because 5 minutes ago, I was hearing the traffic.

I turned to look at the grandfather clock and it read 3:00am.

Five hours had passed in what felt like 5 minutes.

To this day I believe that I was abducted for 5 hours. My parents did not see or hear anything.

I have wondered since then if they implanted anything in me.

Posted 2020-08-27

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