NUFORC UFO Sighting 158805

Occurred: 1970-01-01 00:00 Local
Reported: 2020-08-21 18:37 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Town Creek, AL, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Emitted beams

Voids in space - energy beam

One night a friend visited my wife but the friend did not exit her vehicle. My wife spoke with her at the vehicle. I was present but was not involved with them. It was a couple hours after sunset so it was dark as we are in a rural area. Stars were visible. There was excited talk so I joined them to see what was happening. My wife said that a hole opened in the southern sky. I said where? She pointed to a area where constellation Orion was visible directly overhead and to the South. The said “ a hole opened in the sky and a bright beam came out crossed directly over head and went into a hole across the sky”. She pointed to about where the star Polaris resides, well above the horizon. So I said a hole opened a light beam came out and disappeared into another hole. She said yes. No other lights were visible except stars at the time. I’m telling this as I am not convinced of the existence of UAPs nor does she believe. She does tell only the truth. I! stake my life on it. There Was absolutely no sound.

I thought about a logical explanation and settled on a high altitude jet that may have inadvertently flipped on its landing lights by mistake. I have never had an explanation as to the voids. The holes as she phrased it. I’m a amateur astronomer so I know how to observe details in the night sky but this all happened inside of 2 seconds. I did not see it but I do believe her. Her visitor did not see it as she was inside her vehicle. I do think it could have been some kind of trans dimensional event. No ship, no little green men.

Posted 2020-08-27

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