NUFORC UFO Sighting 158789
Occurred: 2020-08-19 22:30 LocalReported: 2020-08-21 10:36 Pacific
Duration: 9 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Jackson, TN, USA
Shape: Sphere
16 white lights observed while flying over Jackson TN in 9 min span.
Unusual sighting.
This as succinct as possible.
I am a seasoned pilot who flies an Airbus A300 for a major freight delivery company here in the United States. I am also a Coast to Coast subscriber who, up until now, has never witnessed and unidentifiable sighting in my 10,000 hours of flying.
Due to the unusual nature of this event, the crew tried to capture as many details as possible.
While flying from Richmond VA to our hub, the crew noticed a satellite looking object bearing NW, moving what appeared to be easterly.
The object was approximately three fingers high from the horizon.
The object was devoid of any beacon, strobe or other flashing lights.
At first, the object was a dim white light but in the span of about 15 seconds, it went from dim to a very noticeable bright white light and then dim to out of sight.
This event was soon followed by a succession of about 15 more of the same sighting for a total of 16 observed.
Duration total of event was about 9 minutes.
The observation began at Fl 300 and persisted during our descent until about 13,000ft.
We believed the succession of events ceased but they may well have continued as we were getting closer to our city base and the preponderance of lights made the night sky more ablaze.
The first object was observed at 03:30z and the 16th object was observed 03:39z.
The spacing between objets seemed to be consistent and on-time.
The speed appeared to consistent with that of a satellite moving across the sky.
It was difficult to ascertain the height above Earth but all objects occurred at the same altitude which was noted at about three fingers above the horizon.
The objects location were noted at a 330 degree bearing from our airplane and our heading was 270 degrees.
** crew hypothesized that these were either a result of private enterprise technology or from the military. Possibly weaponry or drone.
Posted 2020-08-27
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