NUFORC UFO Sighting 158234

Occurred: 1988-07-15 23:00 Local
Reported: 2020-08-06 00:14 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Livorno (Italy), , Italy

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Possible abduction

Hello there , White spheres with bleep sounds I 'll take my time to recall the events as best as I can .

We,my ex where in Italy in my family home ,in our bedroom and we experienced white spheres with sounds ,i felt like energy but cannot be 100% sure of it . Sounds like beep -beep beeep..bep ..beep beeeppp depending on the speed which was sudden movements ,fast like tic tac ).

We experienced this for 3 consecutive nights and those things were entering from the window of our bedroom ,a loud strong wind with noise in ears like we experience in planes whilst descending from high quote .

Those sphere seemed intelligent as one lead all the others and kept the same distance , every day ,as I tried to get closer to them ,to touch them but they moved away naturally throughout the apartment .I didn't feel any kind of treat and we were all sobers of course! My dear grandma was there now dead and my ex Parisian girlfriend that I don't have any more contact and was sick at the time a long term sickness...and I d like not to enter in further detail about it All my family woke up at times the sounds entered the apartment and were so loud that we woke up all of us and wandering, standing and meeting in the corridor whilst stearing at watch other with fear apart of myself,the only guy , which I was fashinated about that wonderful "things".

One night whilst I was asleep my gf tried to woke me up saying that those lights were throwing at us but I don't know why I reassured her , and suggested to go back to sleep,as she tried to woke me up but I remember I didn't want to wake up , don't know why but kind I didn't want to ,not for fear not for interested , just kind of numb .

The following morning she told me all this ,but I don't recall because obviously I was asleep and I'd an information I didn't need to process in my brain ,somehow ,it was a strange feeling ,still now. I have the same vivid sensation ..I didn't need to wake up and that's it ! The last night that they stopped coming into the house was because my ex, quite upset,as she didn't really like all this the third night visibly upset and irritated , she shouted at "them" to go away and she did this whilst angrily jumping out of the bed and vigorously shut the window down ,when we realized with the usual "whispering wind ",again,and again (when they entered and the same when they left the apartment) which indicate the entrance I recall this as kinda dream a bit like a cloud in my memory (1987-88),as well nowadays each time I see and try to speak about it with my older sister and mother (that witnessed it too ) they don't want somehow to talk about it , especially my sister she is still frightened and my mother just keep wondering what was it.

I don't know about my ex ...and if she is still alive ,really .

Then after all these 3 nights we , together with some friend of mine went outside the city s skirt up to the hills (known and recon as "UFO spots") to hunt for those lights in the sky ,and we saw white lights , bigger going in the sky orizzontally several times ,but although they were white ,I don't remember exactly if it was true ,or just an "illusion" post event related at what we experienced few metres or even inches from us ,inside the apartment .Of this I cannot be sure but my friends even nowadays say that we saw the lights..

I have never really told this to anyone apart same friends or occasionally theme relating conversations about this "mystery" whish isn't no more to me as I have seen them few inches away from my body ,so I believe we are not alone and there is much more.

Finally my Italian" poem"ends here but this is REALLY what I have ,we have lived, saw we our eyes and ears ,as far as my mental sanity is concerned this has happened and I would be delighted to know more or share info as I have no fear but no lucrative interest .

I hope my writing makes sense ..I hope to share too .

May the world be a better place! Namaste.

Yours faithfully

Posted 2020-08-06

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