NUFORC UFO Sighting 158187
Occurred: 2020-07-25 01:00 LocalReported: 2020-08-04 14:46 Pacific
Duration: 5-7 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Snohomish, WA, USA
Shape: Orb
5-6 Orange orbs NO noise/sound, flying in sync
While sitting in my car visiting with my sister, I looked up to the dark,clear, night sky and saw 2-3 large, BRIGHT Orange orbs, that initially I thought to be Chinese lanterns, but as I continued to stare, they were not behaving like lanterns or drones, and I pointed them out to my sister, and we got excited, and out of the car to get a better look, at which time she exclaimed-’GRAB our phones and take photos”, so we did. I took a few and then also a 2 minute video.
WE were in AWE, as the way they behaved and looked, was of NOTHING of this world or technology.
They were intensely orange and almost seemed to hover at first, and looked to be in a sort of formation/relation to each other, then went from hover to forward motion, in sync, maintaining perfect distance from each other. WE noticed NO NOISE or sound from them, and it was a VERY QUIET evening. One seemed to disappear, then THREE more appeared! We watched them fly from the north towards the south, in the Eastern view of the skyline, and then out of sight or disappeared, we couldn’t tell? This took probably a period of about 5-7 mins total, as my video was two minutes long etc...wishing of course, it was of BETTER quality, as I was so excited, and tried to zoom in on them a couple of times.
Posted 2020-08-06
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