NUFORC UFO Sighting 158166

Occurred: 2020-08-01 19:45 Local
Reported: 2020-08-02 18:17 Pacific
Duration: 7 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Worcester, MA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

I saw a white light that I thought was a flare shoot up from the earth, hover, turn white to red, circle, then shoot off into the sky.

At about 7:45pm my boyfriend and I left our home at ((address deleted)) Rd, Worcester, MA 01604 in our car to pick up dinner at Dinos Restaurant located on 13 Lord St, Worcester, MA, 01604. As we drove to the restaurant we noted black smoke in the sky that was getting thicker and thicker as we drove our ordinary path to the restaurant. While we were driving, we started seeing people run towards the smoke and take out their phones to get video…as we got to the red light on Hamilton St, Worcester, MA 01604 we were finally able to see the entire front of a car was engulfed in flames in a parking spot across the street. Fire engines were just starting to arrive at the scene. One firetruck came up Hamilton St, then the light at the intersection turned green and we proceeded a few hundred feet up the street (past the fire) and a second firetruck came driving towards the fire.

We continued to drive about a quarter of a mile on Plantation St when I saw what I thought was a white flare shoot up from the ground. I expected to see it come back down with a burnout trail like most flares do. I was wondering if it was even a firework. I don’t know why the “flare” stood out to me at that moment but there was nothing else around it in the sky and it was in front of me over to the right a little (I’ll get exact directions and coordinates for you tomorrow), to the left of me was a large field used for baseball games and other city events (Holmes Field). Its distance seemed like a few football fields away….as high as a plane could be. I then wondered if it was a plane because it hovered in the sky for a few seconds…then it turned red (looking like a red light) and flew in a circle formation parallel to the ground, stopped, and shot off increasing speed as it shot to the left, out of sight. It appeared to accelerate to about 100 miles (or more) an hour, a! nd it disappeared behind the trees. Me and my boyfriend looked at each other (this happened all while we were driving) and said “Woah, we just saw that!” We were both simply in shock because this object moved unlike anything we had ever seen. I have never seen a drone go that fast. We finally reached our destination a mile up the road and purchased our dinner and went home. I did not have any alcohol or drugs in my system, just blood pressure meds and an SSRI for anxiety.

On the way home I called my twin brother who is a rocket scientist and explained what I saw. He said it could have been a firework. My boyfriend also took the phone to explain in detail what we saw and my brother just talked to us a little longer and listened to us and we said goodbye. I wrote about the sighting on facebook and another friend immediately wrote that his wife had just driven by the car in flames. She wrote in a few minutes later that she saw the same thing we did (the flare/light) and she identified it as a drone heading in the direction of the fire. However she didn’t see it do a circle formation and shoot off and disappear in the trees like we did, and she also only saw it as a white light (she didn’t see it turn red). So I’m thinking we weren’t looking at the same object. Both my boyfriend and I have seen drones in flight before and we have never seen a drone fly with this much power behind it…it was definitely being controlled somehow and not just r! andomly shooting off in the sky like a firework. A few hours later another friend said her husband saw what we described the previous Wednesday in the same area. She told me he also doesn’t believe it was a drone and had started doing research to find out what it could have been. She found a news spot that the ISS was visible in the sky that evening. But the space station does not move that fast in those directions.

One thing that stands out to me besides this sighting is the other woman who saw it (a friend of mine) and said it was a drone, visited me the day before on my birthday (July 31) at work and I hadn’t seen her in about a year. I thought that was ironic.

About my background: I’m 44 years old and I worked for 10 years as a broadcast journalist and 10 years in community relations. I currently work as a compliance officer at a vertically integrated cannabis company in Worcester. I do not use cannabis, I am passionate about cannabis research and the industry itself. I earned my graduate certificate in Cannabis Regulatory Affairs from Clark University in March of 2020. This is the first program of its kind in the US and I earned a 4.0. My brother is my twin, he’s a rocket scientist, and loves space. A few weeks ago my cousin in Hawaii made me an astronaut purse and she is pursuing a career with NASA.

Posted 2020-08-06

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