NUFORC UFO Sighting 158078

Occurred: 2020-07-21 04:36 Local
Reported: 2020-07-31 12:43 Pacific
Duration: 4 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Martinsburg, WV, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail

6 lights flying in formation while one avoided and object

On the morning of Tuesday, July 21, 2020 while reviewing our motion alerts from overnight, at timestamp 4:36 AM, I noticed six lights that were flying (NE) in sync from the bottom right of the video. One came close to a bird feeder pole and slightly banked, then re-positioned as they continued flying. I have no clue what this and other recorded events like it were that followed for a few days after (July 21, 22, and 26). Impressed though that it seemed to be able to react to an object in its path (the bird feeder pole) and adjust accordingly.

This is an account that I witnessed through video footage within 2 hours of its occurrence. Night vision (non-color) on the camera sensed the movement but did not trigger the floodlight as larger objects would. Therefore, I do not know if the objects had color. While flying away (at a distance of 16 feet from security camera to bird feeder pole) they appear to be rounded yet elongated and about 3 feet while in sync.

Weather was clear, 76˚F, elevation appx. 410ft Video link of security camera footage UnidentiFied O #1 Side note…Not knowing if this is coincidental or not, also discovered that morning was a dead rabbit (to the left of the said bird feeder pole in this video and report) whose body was flat with clear-ish slime on it, however the head appeared to be untouched and fully shaped with no damage, eyes wide open and ears straight up. No blood present and there appeared to be no bones. It also completely decomposed unusually fast and not able to tell anything had been there, within three days.

Posted 2020-08-06

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