NUFORC UFO Sighting 15738

Occurred: 2001-01-03 22:27 Local
Reported: 2001-01-03 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 8 mins or so
No of observers: 2

Location: Hamilton (New Zealand), , New Zealand

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo

lights like ET

Shape was extremely brightly lit. It was moving rapidly (faster than any normal aircraft could.) But it seemed to stop dead in the sky for a short time then wizz of in an oblique angle.It was noticed moving from due north to approx. south by southeast.We live 29 kilometers from our local airport and there will be people working there in the tower tonite. It was a bright white light as it approached us then it turned a mottle green/blue but as it stopped then wizzed off again it transformed into the most brillant blue hue imanginable. It appeared to be round at first but as it approached it looked like a reverse wing shape but as it speed away it took the shape a smooth rounded oval with small outer(wings) that faced forward (in the direction of travel). It has been senn by people in the area and it travelling oround like a lost tourist...All of the dogs and cattle are spooked.There is no sound but a pitch or distortion in the ears when it is near. It is back again now as i right this .... it has been hanging around for about an hour.... bloody hell this thing is huge and it makes a sound but not a noise you can hear... it seems like pressure on the inner ear. IT IS NOT A PLANE.... WHATEVER THIS THING IS ITS SCARING THE ANIMALS.... IF IT COMES ANY CLOSER THE GUYS ACROSS THE ROAD WILL SHOOT AT THE BLOODY THING. My wife is a mother home with our two kids and I manage an Importing Business in our local town. We quite often star gaze together when the children are setteled down for the night. This is not the first time that this type of (thing) has been seen by ourselves or the neighbours. we live out of town on a small country/farm block and our view of the night sky is not correpted by enything on the ground,as well as no lights for over three kilometers. When the sun goes down it is very dark except for the moon and stars. The moon is just under qutar and there are only a few light high clouds...the sky tonight is clear over 70%. Tell me Im not seeing things...and please tell me it is just a satelite or something...This happens to freak the (( out of us.



Text of follow-up report follows:

lights like ET

Shape was extremely brightly lit. It was moving rapidly (faster than any normal aircraft could.) But it seemed to stop dead in the sky for a short time then wizz of in an oblique angle.It was noticed moving from due north to approx. south by southeast.We live 29 kilometers from our local airport and there will be people working there in the tower tonite. It was a bright white light as it approached us then it turned a mottle green/blue but as it stopped then wizzed off again it transformed into the most brillant blue hue imanginable. It appeared to be round at first but as it approached it looked like a reverse wing shape but as it speed away it took the shape a smooth rounded oval with small outer(wings) that faced forward (in the direction of travel). My wife is a mother home with our two kids and I manage an Importing Business in our local town. We quite often star gaze together when the children are setteled down for the night. This is not the first time that this type of (thing) has been seen by ourselves or the neighbours. we live out of town on a small country/farm block and our view of the night sky is not correpted by enything on the ground,as well as no lights for over three kilometers. When the sun goes down it is very dark except for the moon and stars. The moon is just under qutar and there are only a few light high clouds...the sky tonight is clear over 70%. Tell me Im not seeing things...and please tell me it is just a satelite or something...This happens to freak the deleted)) out of us.

Posted 2001-01-03

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