NUFORC UFO Sighting 15734

Occurred: 2000-12-26 18:20 Local
Reported: 2001-01-02 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4-5seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Walpole, NH, USA

Shape: Fireball

Neon green fireballs over Cheshire County, New Hampshire.

Neon green fireball with 2 seperate glowing points and tails, travelling east to west - almost horizontally. Object moved slower than a standard meteor or shooting star. My first impression was that it was fireworks. Object made no noise and burned up before it could hit the ground. Several other reports of larger green and blue fireballs, some hitting the ground, were called into local authorities - same night/same time.


Many witnesses to this event, apparently. Several New England newspapers published articles about it. We would welcome reports from anyone who may have seen the object, in which they indicate exactly where they were located, what direction they were looking, and the direction they were looking at the moment the object disappeared from their sight. Thank you. PD

Posted 2001-01-03

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