NUFORC UFO Sighting 157334
Occurred: 2002-06-14 23:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2020-07-04 15:17 Pacific
Duration: 60 minutes
No of observers: 8
Location: Frankfort, IN, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
We saw unusually moving bronze lights in the sky in Indiana I’m 2002.
Late at night, out in the country at a friend’s house a bunch of kids from church were camping in her backyard. She casually pointed up and we all saw bronze fiery lights in the sky. She wasn’t surprised, she said she saw UFO’s all the time out there. We stood there and watched the lights move around in different formations, usually in a line. They were beautiful and looked like they were dancing gracefully at one point. They moved very slow sometimes. Accelerated very quickly. At one point some of them moved so far across the sky I knew I was looking at something I have never ever seen before, no plane or helicopter can move so quickly. They also slightly changed color from bronze to white. They were so far away we couldn’t truly see what they were, just balls of fire like stars that had come alive. Eventually they all took off, one by one, very quickly, and disappeared .
Posted 2020-07-09
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