NUFORC UFO Sighting 157155
Occurred: 2019-04-15 00:00 LocalReported: 2020-06-25 21:33 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Oregon, IL, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Missing Time
Bright light shoots at car... time unaccounted for!
I would like to know if anyone else has seen somthing similar... My step son and I were driving down route 64 in illinois. All of a sudden we saw a huge bright light coming at us at an unreal speed. We starred at it we had no time to react. In my head i was telling myself its a car in the wrong lane but somthing was telling me it wasnt. Then all of a sudden what felt like 2 mins which actually made me late to my destination by tens mins so i know it was longer. It flew straight at us and ten mins later I was still driving straight down 64 didn't crash but had no idea what we had been doing or where we were at for ten mins. There is ten mins unaccounted for! I know this for a fact!! Where did we go... how did i drive straight with no recelection of ten mins of my time. I had not drank any booze or took any drugs! Now when I look in the sky or drive at night it creeps me out! I didnt see any metal objects or little green men but I know what I did see and it wasn't are military! I cannot account for that time! And I still cant look at the sky at night for long periods of time. I didn't feel like anything hurt me at all. Oh and it was 100 percent completely quiet not one sound!
Posted 2020-07-03
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